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Cover art: Photo
Written in Russian during the early years of his enforced exile from Stalin's Russia, Leon Trotsky's HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION first appeared in English in 1932. Its intrinsic interest, together with Max Eastman's superlative translation, quickly established the book as the one indispensable text on the subject and also placed it among the all-time classics of history-writing. As a man who had been a major participant in the momentous events, he describes, Trotsky gave to his pages all the animation of an eyewitness narrative, complete with brilliant portraits of the Tsar, the Tsarina, Rasputin, Lenin, Stalin, and other actors in the drama. At the same time, his genius for theory and his industry in research made the book a notable contribution to historiography. As such, it has been compared to the work of Thucydides, Tacitus, Machiavelli, Gibbon, and others who wrote great historical accounts because they cared passionately about the fate of man in history. And Trotsky, like Gibbon, cared to the extent of sustaining a viewpoint which is frankly partisan and generally at odds with popular opinion on the subject. If he challenges our common assumptions at almost every point, he does so with a power of logic, wit, and style which make him irresistible reading. This Anchor edition of the HIsTory reprints in complete form the important chapters describing the twin revolutions of February and October
1917. Omitted chapters are carefully summarized by the editor. The helpful glossaries and the index of the original American edition are retained.”