The Riddle in Red - Betsy Allen 1948 Grosset & Dunlap vintage HB

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Condition: Good: Good condition for a used book! Some wear. See images for the condition of this book.

Blurb: The reception desk of a high-powered advertising agency is a wonderful spot to see everything that goes on, as Connie Blair soon discovers. Nor is she at Reid and Renshaw's long before she senses big doings afoot.

"Cosmetics by Cleo," Reid and Renshaw's biggest account, is about to bring out a new revolutionary product made from a closely guarded secret formula. Everyone at the agency is keyed to high pitch as the huge advertising campaign finally gets under way.

From the day the glamorous Cleo herself sweeps into the reception room, Connie is caught up in the general excitement. But soon mysterious developments threaten not only the success of the campaign but Cleo Marville herself. The climax comes when Cleo – and the secret formula – suddenly disappear. How Connie's lively intelligence and ingenuity rise to the challenge of one unanswerable question after another will keep the reader spellbound to the very last page of this gripping mystery story.

Series: (A Connie Blair Mystery #2)