The Preserving Machine - Philip K. Dick - 1969 Ace Books Paperback

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Blurb: "The most consistently brilliant sf writer in the world is Philip K. Dick, author of more good short stories that I can count. He presents subsidiary characters so that leap alive off the page; he creates obsessive, almost paranoid, terror when the action calls for in-the ties the plot lines into  knots b time-travel devices and then meticulous untangles every last thread again. If you want to witness a master of sf ringing changes the rest of us have never dreamed of, read Philip K. Dick."


"The best of Philip K. Dick's novelettes and short stories show the same fertile speculative mind that distinguishes his novels, plus an exuber-ant, almost extravagant love of wild melodramatic action. You'll find reflections of our own society in these pictures of the future, plus one of Dick's most characteristic qualities: the chilling symbolism of absolute nightmare


"If there is such a thing as 'black science fic-tion,' Philip K. Dick is its Pirandello, its Beckett and its Pinter. No other creative intellect qualifies."