The Movement of Mountains - Michael Blumlein - 1988 St. Martin’s Press Paperback - Ken Barr Cover

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Blurb: “THE DRUG

Mutacillin is a medical panacea-it has eradicated all forms of bacterial infection. But it cart only be found on the planet Eridis, where it grows as a fragile fungus under tons of soil and stone.


Subintelligent Domers mine the precious drug. Genetically created, their huge, corpulent bodies allow them to move mountains and endure the sub-zero temperatures of the mines. But even the Domers cannot survive for long under such harsh conditions.


Although Jules Ebert's job is to treat the Domers enough to keep them working while their bodies literally break down, he finds himself identifying with his grotesque patients. But the Domers are changing-growing more intelligent. Only Jules recognizes this is a side-effect of a strange new virus. Now he must make a momentous, decision: cure the disease or help spread it...”