The Family Treasury of Children's Stories: Book 1 - Pauline Rush Evans 1956 Doubleday vintage hardback

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Condition:  Good: Good condition for a used book! Some wear. See images for the condition of this book.

Blurb: Nursery Rhymes, Bedtime Verses, Baby Play, Counting Rhymes, Knee-Bouncing Rhymes, Songs with Music, Riddles, Stories and Poetry.

Stories and poetry contained in this book:

Henny-Penny (Chicken-Little)
The Old woman and her pig
The Owl and the Pussy-cat
The tale of Peter Rabbit
Windy Wash Day
The story of the Three Little Pigs
Mix a Pancake
Pelle's New Suit
The Wonderful World
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Little Engine That Could
Happy Thought
The Travelling Musicians
Red Riding Hood (Little Red-Cap)
Millions of Cats
Snow-White and the Seven dwarfs
The Story of the Three bears
The Woodpecker
My Shadow
The Poppy Seed Catkes
The House Cat
The Tale of Custard, the Dragon
Jack and the Beanstalk
There was Tammie
Who has seen the Wind?
The Three Foxes
The Reason
The Velveteen RAbit
The Swing
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Five Chinese Brother
Very Lovely
Snow in the City
Angus and the Ducks
A Visit From St. Nicholas (The Night Before Christmas)
The Real Princess (The Princess and the Pea)
Hansel and Gretel
A Kite
The Three Sillies
April Rain Song
Bed in Summer
Can Men be Such Fools as all That
The Ugly Duckling
The Adventures of a Brownie...The brownie and the Cook
The Peterkin Papers...Mrs. Peterkin Wishes to go to a Drive
Winnie-the-Pooh...Pooh Goes Visiting
Where go the Boats?
The Little Turtle
The Little Elfman
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbing
Boats Sail on the Rivers
The King's Breakfast