The Color of Neanderthal Eyes / And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees - James Tiptree Jr.

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Blurb:“This is Tor Double #16, of a series of 36 double books published from 1988 to 1991 by Tor Books. This paperback contains two novellas, bound together tête-bêche in mass market paperback – back-to-back, inverted, with two front covers and both titles on the spine. The novellas are listed here alphabetically by author; neither should be considered “primary.”

First publication in book form of Alice Bradley Sheldon's (writing under the pseudonym James Triptree, Jr.) novella, which is here coupled with Michael Bishop's novella 'And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees'

Cover art for Tiptree by Dave Archer, for Bishop by Brian Waugh”