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Blurb: THE DARK EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! Picking up where Star Quest left off, Star Fighters, second in the "Star Quest Series," once again finds Red Rian, Lady Nila and Dann Oryzon locked in mortal combat with the Dark Emperor and his evil captain, Lord Blorg. In a last great assault on the dreaded Death Legion, the three spacefighters find unexpected friends -- and enemies! -- out among the stars. Can they break the Dark Emperor's power over the universe, or are they just expendable toys in Ylang-Ylang's vicious galactic game?
Random Internet Reviewer: "Riding the Star Wars fame this trilogy pretty much mirrors the storyline. The good guys even have their own version of the Force. All the major Star Wars characters & themes are there: Luke, Leia, Han, Chewy, Vader, The Evil Empire, just with different names."
Series: Star Quest #2