Simulations: 15 Tales of Virtual Reality - Edited by Karie Jacobson - 1993 Citadel Press Paperback

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Blurb: “Plug in to Simulations

Virtual reality may be today's pop-culture buzzword, but science fiction writers have been immersing readers in

"cyberspace" for decades. This vivid new collection represents the broadest spectrum of the best VR fiction, from the 1950s to the 1990s, from cyberpunk to satire, by:

Douglas Adams

Michael Kandel

Daniel Pearlman

J. G. Ballard

Marc Laidlaw

Michael Swanwick

M. Shayne Bell

Jonathan Lethem

& William Gibson

Ray Bradbury

Vonda MeIntyre

John Varley

Pat Cadigan

Gerald Page

George Zebrowski

Philip K. Dick

Whether anticipating the visual, aural, and tactile dimensions of VR or expanding on the new technology, the fifteen stories here all sparkle with outstanding writing and challenging ideas. They will stir you to contemplate the ethical, social, political, and metaphysical effects virtual reality may have on human beings. They will propel you from the possibilities of hard science to the inner limits of the imagi-nation.

Karie Jacobson is a writer and singer who lives and works in Berkeley, California.

Cover Illustration by Kevin Kelly

Cover Design by Steven Brower

A Citadel Press Book

Carol Publishing Group