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Featured in Paperbacks from Hell!
Cover art:
Blurb: “It was a creature older than man.
Why had it come?
Was its purpose to corrupt mankind, to simply satisfy
its own appetites -or both?.
When Martin and Nina Gerard and their young daughter, Melissa, moved into the elegant Barkley Arms on New York's Fifth Avenue, something else moved in with them-something that manifested itself in different ways to the different tenants in the luxurious apart-ments; something that affected all their lives, that led at least one family into violence and Nina Gerard to near madness.
They thought - they hoped - that they had left the unpleasantness behind forever in Italy, in the pink villa where the air smelled of oranges and, the events that occurred all but destroyed them as a family. They had returned to the anonymity of New York to give Melissa a normal life, and to pull together the jagged shards of their own lives.
But the thing, the "it" wasn't through with them-not yet... not quite yet... Hang thy windows with vervain, Bar the door and light the light. Pray that God will keep thee from The visitor that comes by night! -Ancient Witches Rhyme”