Up From Slavery - Booker T. Washington - 1966 2nd Dell Books Paperback - Robert Levering Cover

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Blurb: “Louis Lomax, distinguished Negro author, writes in his introduction to UP FROM SLAVERY:

"Readers caught up in the works of today's Negro writers know all too little of Washington. Few, I fear, have read this book which is unquestionably an American classic. Furthermore, the freedom fighters, Negro and white, who are so nobly pressing the cause of racial justice today, have failed to pause and think through Booker

T. Washington, whose impact upon the destiny of the American Negro is un-matched, save by, perhaps, Abraham Lin-coln. In a very real sense, Booker T. Washington made us. This book, more than any other single piece of American writing, is responsible for what we are, for what we are not. We who are like Booker Washington are that way because we agree with him; we who are unlike him are that way because we disagree with him. But we all, in a basic sense, are what we are because he was there, because he did what he did and said what he said."

Cover illustration: Robert Levering